What is the Best Choice You Ever Made

We make choices every day that affect ourselves and others.

Do we always own our choices; our truth to ourselves?

It is hard to face reality. To be honest with yourself. We are constantly trying to measure up to others. When that is the environment we are in, we have to admit that we aren’t living a life that is authentic. The space is not safe to contribute as we conform to fit in. We exaggerate a bit while telling a story. We make up a part of the story because it would intrigue the listener, they would like us. In that moment we are reacting and adapting to the unsafe environment to fit in. We want to sound clever to get a better reaction at the moment.

Choose not to lose yourself.

We contribute to this environment at work or gatherings. Observe yourself in conversation with others. We strive to be our authentic selves, but are we allowing others to be also? We are curating new and old connections bringing joy into our lives again by focusing on including all ideas to bring the best version of yourself. I find the best way to do that is when you don’t know something. Saying, “I don’t know”, just created a safe space for teaching and learning.

My best choice is to be authentic. Put your best choice in the comments.

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