Celebrate All of Your Achievements: Big or Small. Celebrate!

Self-Gratitude – noun.

A realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect. A feeling of being happy with your own character and abilities.

Synonym self-worth to have high/low self-esteem. You need to build your self-esteem. (Oxford Dictionary) Self-care – the practices of activities that are necessary to sustain life and health, normally initiated and carried out by the individual for herself. (Oxford Dictionary) Note; sometimes beginning a journal entry with definitions can help you get creative with the language around your thoughts.

Celebrate your achievements today! It doesn’t matter how big or how small. You are working hard being productive and meeting the guidelines of your workday, celebrate. You met your summer reading goal that by the end of summer you would have read two books. The focus you have given to your financial portfolio will benefit you in the future. You are halfway through meeting your miles for a bicycling 30-day challenge for Children’s Cancer Research. This morning when you woke up and walked through your home things were in their places, because the night before you reset your home. Which removed that feeling of frustration of not successfully picking up your home. Changing your diet, changing the amount of coffee you drank, and lessening stress helped you stay off blood pressure medication. These are all achievements to celebrate.

What are you going to celebrate today? Let me know in the comments.

It isn’t always easy to believe the actions you take are achievements to be celebrated. We get into our heads, right? That it could have been done better or that someone else is doing it better. The thoughts we have bring us down, so we struggle with completing the task that is in front of us. It is much easier to fail than to struggle through and be successful.

Success – noun. the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get.

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