Do you ever take your journal to the coffee shop?

Have you ever thought about treating your journaling as one of your relationships? You take your journal to the coffee shop. You start or end your day with comments and thoughts in your journal.

What would your relationship look like with journaling? Maybe really intense and constant. Or dramatic and sad. Maybe no words at all, but colorful drawings that show your feelings or what you are looking at.

What about your relationship with journaling do you need to or want to give yourself some grace or compassion for it?

My relationship with journaling is sometimes very up and down. One day, sentences are flowing and most of them have clear ideas that convey a cohesive thought that make me feel confident like talking to a friend on the phone. On other days there isn’t a single word that comes to my mind that I feel like writing down. Or that are worthy of writing down. Yep, self-doubt can creep in. Like any relationship the words that you say matter and whether you feel safe. Build your relationship with journaling by creating a safe space to get out your feelings. That safe space could look like a specific space that is just for you with no distractions; a special journal with special writing and drawing tools, and maybe even a member of a guided journal group, that writes together with the same prompts.

This idea that we can have a relationship with journaling could help you get started. Write a letter to Journaling, as if she were a person. What kind of relationship would you like to have with her? Keep it casual.

Here are some prompts to get you started with your letter; Thank you… I understand… Right now I’m worried about…

By the end of a specific time, like the end of a 30-day journaling challenge; I hope to feel… I would really like to … I hope we can…

Remember with all relationships you might not always like each other all the time. Hop over and get my 30-DAY JOURNALING CHALLENGE PROMPT SHEET and let me know how it goes!

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