Reading the Summer Away with New Finds!

Today I was choosing books to read this summer. That are familiar and unfamiliar to me, but encouraging non-the-less, to get me to read. Summer invites you to read more. The days are longer, the hammock is out, and vacation vibes are in the air. I have chosen three books and will add two more.

Where do you look for your books? I love looking at my bookshelves and reading each title and the surprised moment when you realize there is a new book you were not aware of. I read the cover jacket in anticipation. Will it make the cut? My second place to look is a summer high school reading list. When my son was in high school there were always 2 books that we got either from the library or bookstore. Then there is always the annual popular year’s book list from Goodreads. When I get to this list it is fun to see if I chose any on the list already.

What is your criteria to get that special book on your reading list? It isn’t just picking a book because you haven’t read it or it’s your favorite book. I read the book jacket and see what the genre is mystery, non-fiction, self-help, art and so many more. It helps if there is a mixture. And the size of the book, we want to be successful, not have books left unread. One year I put an art book on the mantel. I think I started it, but it was too hard to hold up a 11″x 17″ book in bed. The size has to be perfect, and I have to feel drawn into the book!

I love when I ask on social media for suggestions, some are quite good. So far, I have Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, The Contagion of Liberty, and Atomic Habits.

Let me know what books are on your list. Here is MY READING LIST AND MORE this summer

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