What Beautiful Phase of Existence are You Currently Embracing?

This is #2 in the Unveiling the Heartfelt Chapters of Real Lives: Tales that Resonate, Stories that Stir.

What phase of existence are you?

The way that this entry formed for me was surprising. I started to make a list, social connections, career, health, creativity, finances, and retirement. When I wrote more on a few items on the list I knew those areas I had down, pat. It was the other areas I need focus on. Those areas were social connections – the integration of others. I have pondered for a while but always run from the conclusion. It’s time to stop running from it and move forward. It is time to move it up my list of things to do. Health was the second one I had nothing to say about. Shame surrounds my lifetime of inconsistent work on focusing to free myself from emotional eating. My actions are so inconsistent. This one bounced around on my list. I am at an age that really can’t be the focus anymore I need to be more consistent with it. When I am not, shame pops up when I see others in my life that know of my ups and downs with weight.

My story that stirs the most is to own where I am and love my body. The list of areas is part of my daily focus, and they are solid because I find peace in self-care.

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