What Journaling Means To Me…

What is the first word you think of when I say the word journal? Maybe there is more than one; writing, reflection, thoughts, recording, narrating, entries, or chronological. The word for me is “endless”. There are endless ways to create a journal that will hold your endless thoughts, ideas, doodles, and challenges.

How does it make you feel when you hear the word, journal? Do you know how sometimes you just want to buy that special dress that is in your favorite colors and the print puts a smile on your face? The dress would go with the fancy shoes you have. Or you order your favorite food for dinner and when you get it the smell, the way it looks you just know it will be yummy. That desire “I HAVE TO HAVE IT NOW” just overtakes you. You’re happy with a smile on your face and you feel excited.

That is what journaling does for me. It is an avenue to be your best even if at the beginning of your journal entry you are not feeling that way. The process of gathering information and organizing it on a page just melts me. Journaling gives me focus on a project which helps me be creative.

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